Dostava blaga
Delivery of merchandise
Dostavo naročenega blaga za spletno trgovino opravlja Pošta Slovenije d.d.. ter / ali druga pošta ( GLS) Spletna trgovina ni odgovorna za prekoračen rok dostave.
The delivery of the merchandise ordered in the online store is carried out by Pošta Slovenije d.d. Or - OTHER post company ( GLS) The online store is not accountable for any delays in delivery.
Dostava se izvrši na naslov kupca, ki je bil naveden ob prijavi oz. naročilu. The delivery is made to the address of the buyer stated at sign-in or completion of the order.
Transportne stroške krije kupec, spletna trgovina pa se zavezuje, da bo izbrala najugodnejšega ponudnika za dostavo blaga.
The transport and shipping fees are paid by the buyer, however the online store undertakes to choose the best priced service provider.
*Pri nakupu nad 200 EUR transportne stroške oz. stroške dostave krije spletna trgovina
*The shipping is paid by the online store if the order exceeds 200 EUR.
Če vas ob dostavi pošiljke ne bo doma, vas bo nedostavljeno blago čakalo na vaši pošti. Prevzamete ga lahko v roku 15 delovnih dni.
If you are not at home when the parcel is delivered, the undelivered merchandise will be waiting for you at your post office. You can claim it in 15 days from the original delivery date.
Dobavni roki
Delivery times
Spletna trgovina si prizadeva, da je blago po opravljenem plačilu dostavljeno v 3 do 5 delovnih dneh. Spletna trgovina bo naročeno blago, ki je na zalogi, odposlala v roku 3 delovnih dni, izdelke, ki gredo v proizvodnjo po naročilu, pa v roku 21 delovnih dni.
The online store aims to deliver the ordered merchandise in 3 to 5 working days after the payment is made. The online store will ship the items in stock in 3 working days and the custom made items in 21 working days.
V primeru, da naročilo ne more biti odposlano v predpisanim roku, bo spletna trgovina obvestila stranko in se potrudila razrešiti situacijo v najkrajšem možnem času.
If the items cannot be shipped in the aforementioned time frame, the online store will inform the client and work to resolve the situation in as short a time as possible.
Potrditev naročila
Order Confirmation
Po oddaji naročila boste prejeli potrditev naročenih izdelkov in skupno ceno in kontakt, ki vam bo na voljo v zvezi z vašim naročilom.
After completing your order, you will receive an order confirmation stating the full price of your purchase and contact information that will be at your service for information regarding your order.
Vračilo blaga
Če je blago že dostavljeno na naslov, ima kupec pravico, da v 8 dneh od prevzema blaga odstopi od kupoprodajne pogodbe. Pisni odstop je možen prek običajne pošte na naslov podjetja ali preko elektronske naslova Stroške, ki nastanejo ob vračilu blaga, poravna kupec. Vrnjeni izdelki morajo biti nenošeni, nepoškodovani, z originalno etiketo in v originalni embalaži. Vračilu mora kupec obvezno priložiti kopijo računa.
If the merchandise has already been delivered to the addressee, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the sales and purchase agreement in 8 days. The withdrawal must be in written form and sent by regular mail to the Company’s address or by e-mail to The expenses that arise with returning the merchandise are covered in their entirety by the buyer. The returned products must be unworn, undamaged, with their original tags on and in the original packaging. The returned items must be accompanied by a copy of the invoice.
Paketni izdelki morajo biti vrnjeni po pošti izključno kot paketna pošiljka, lahko pa jih sam dostavi na sedež podjetja. Stroške vračila kupec krije sam.
Products sent as packages must be returned by mail as packages or delivered in person to the seat of the Company. The expenses of returns are covered by the buyer.
Ponudnik vrne celotno kupnino najpozneje v 10 dneh od prejetja vrnjenega blaga na transakcijski račun kupca, če je kupec ponudniku v skladu z veljavnimi zakonskimi predpisi in pogoji poslovanja sporočil, da od pogodbe odstopa in je prejeto blago vrnil v zakonskem roku.
The service provider provides a full refund paid to the bank account of the buyer no later than in 10 days after receiving the returned merchandise, provided that the buyer informed the service provider of his or her withdrawal from the agreement in compliance with statutory provisions and these Terms and Conditions and has returned the merchandise complying with the regulatory deadline.
Pravica do vračila ne velja, če je blago nošeno ali brez originalnih etiket, razen če se obravnava kot reklamacija in je bilo blago v takem stanju že pred prejemom.
The right to return the merchandise ceases to exist if the items have been worn or do not have their original tags on, unless the merchandise is returned under complaint and the merchandise had already been in that condition before delivery.
Blago, ki je izdelano po naročilu, ni vračljivo.
Items that are custom made cannot be returned.
Kupec lahko blago reklamira, če je prodajalec poslal napačne izdelke, v napačni velikosti, barvi ali kako drugače odstopajo od naročila. Kupec je dolžan blago pregledati in morebitne nepravilnosti sporočiti ponudniku na elektronski naslov Kupec ima pravico blago reklamirati v 8 dneh od nakupa z originalnim računom, ki ga pošlje na naslov podjetja in zahteva takojšnjo zamenjavo ali vračilo kupnine.
The buyer has the right to file a complaint if the seller has sent the wrong product, if the product is the wrong size or color or if there is some other reason to withdraw from the agreement. The buyer is obliged to check the merchandise and inform the service provider by e-mail to The buyer can complain in 8 days from the date of purchase by sending the original invoice to the Company’s address and requesting immediate exchange or refund.
Reklamirano blago lahko kupec dostavi osebno na sedež podjetja ali ga na stroške ponudnika, v originalni embalaži, pošlje po pošti. Pošiljk z odkupnino brez predhodnega dogovora ne sprejemamo. Če kupec ob vračilu zahteva vrnitev kupnine, se mu ta vrne na transakcijski račun, najpozneje v 10 dneh.
The items that are the subject of complaint can be delivered to the Company’s seat in person or sent in their original packaging by post. The shipping expenses are covered by the service provider. We will not accept cash on delivery packages that we have not previously agreed to. If the buyer requests a refund, the refund is made to his or her bank account no later than in 10 days.
Vračilo poškodovanih pošiljk
The return of damaged goods
V primeru, da je paket fizično poškodovan, v njem manjka vsebina ali kaže znake odprtja, nas pokličite in pričeli bomo z razreševanjem nastale težave.
If the package is damaged, items are missing, or it shows signs of already being opened, call us and we will immediately start solving the problem.
Pravno obvestilo
Legal notice
Spletna trgovina, vsi podatki in slike izdelkov, prikazani na spletni strani, so zaščiteni z Zakonom o avtorskih pravicah in jih ni dovoljeno reproducirati ali uporabljati brez dovoljenja. Blagovne znamke in logotipi priznanih podjetij so v njihovi lasti.
The online store, all the information and all the photographs of the products shown on the website are protected by the Slovenian Copyright Act (Zakon o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah) and must not be reproduced or used without permission. The trademarks and logos of established corporations are their property.
Pridržujemo si pravico do tipkarskih napak in do spremembe cen.
We reserve the right to typographical errors and to changes in the prices.
Pogoji poslovanja veljajo od 24.08.2020 do preklica.
Plačilni pogoji
Terms of payment
V spletni trgovini maticveler.comahko trenutno naročate:
– s plačilom preko storitve PayPal
The payment in the online store is currently possibe by:
– payment using the PayPal service
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